Saturday, 18 September 2010

10 Things to do When You Get High...

10 Things to do When You Get High... This Weekend
The Weekend is coming up. For all stoners especially those who work and don't smoke during the week, the weekend is a time of extreme relaxation. Here are some easy things you can do this weekend to have fun, while high.

1. Go To a Cafe:
Cafe's are a great places to relax. Each table is a secure pod where you can retreat into your mind, lose yourself in a simple activity (reading the newspaper, texting, playing chess) , or simply soak up the atmosphere. The scent of brewing coffee, friendly conversation, and mellow cafe tunes, make cafes the perfect mini getaway. Not to mention coffee is great high. It adds an extra boost to your body and mind.

2. Go To a Show
Live music is one of the wonders of the world. If you need something to really take you out of your element this weekend, find a show to go to. Look for your old favorite bands or pick something new and random. Make sure to take some joints, for before, maybe during, and definitely after.

3. Clean Your House
Cleaning your house might not sound fun to you, depending of what type of person you are. But if you smoke a bowl, turn up the tunes, and get right into, you'll definitely see how it can be relaxing. Engaging in the simplest types of productivity can really help the mind feel at peace.

4. Play Minigolf
Minigolf is the perfect way to spend time with friends doing something fun, relatively cheap, and easy. There's no way not to have fun, if you get a few buddies really stoned and go mess around in the arcade and on the minigolf course.

5. Play Your Wii
The Wii is the greatest piece of entertainment hardware for stoners. They have a large number of active games that are very simple and loads of fun. Try out Wii Music or Wii Sports.

6. Go Into the Wild
Take a hike. Literally. The outdoors is a great place to be stoned and get stoned. Find a nice secluded place at a park, at a lake, on a mountain, or any other piece of nature around you. Take some joints or a pipe with you and have an outdoor smoke session with your friends. Commune with nature. 

7. Be Artistic

Play an instrument, draw a picture, write a poem, do anything artistic. It is a special thing to connect with art while high. It allows us new perspectives. If creating art seems to hard, then just look for ways to appreciate art; museum, indie movies or music, etc.

8. Don't Go on the Internet

The internet is addictive. The last thing you want to do if you need a weekend to relax is waste it all on the internet. Your weekend will be over before you know it and you won't be satisfied. This weekend, leave the internet alone. Or at least only visit Facebook once and Baked Life a few times.

9. Catch up on the News

Watching or reading the news while smoking pot is a lot of fun. Even if you get aggravated or disgusted at times, the act of participating in the world around you is relaxing. Try expanding the your news sources to newspapers and magazines too. 

10. Get Together With Friends and Just Talk

Get some friends together but don't plan any activities. Just sit with them, smoke pot, and talk. Old fashion smoke sessions are incredibly relaxing. Whether you smoke inside, on the porch or in your car, just have good time laughing and discussing your lives.

Top 9 Riskiest Places To Smoke Weed

This list goes through the riskiest paces to smoke pot. From not that risky, to very risky.

9. City Parks: If a park is big, friendly, or empty enough it can be a nice place to go have a toke. Smaller parks with lot's of little children are usually not good places to smoke.

8. Shopping Center: Shopping center and mall parking lots are filed with stoners smoking bud before they browse, go see a movie, or whatever kids do. They do a good job of avoiding getting caught by the security or any snooping tattle tales, but not all of them.

7. Freeway: Driving down the freeway smoking and listening to good music is awesome. There's also always the danger of a cop seeing you, or someone who likes calling the cops seeing you. Always keep an eye out.

6. Parent's House: Weed is a potent smell. It's hard to smoke it in one room and not have the smell leak through the door, and into the nose of a passer by. Then someone will knock on the door and ask, "what are you doing in there", at that point you're caught. And yes it can happen even if you own Febreeze and blow as far out the window as you can.

5. Public Bathroom: Smoking in a bathroom can be pretty difficult, whether you're in a restaurant, at a sports game, or even on a college campus. There are two things to look for. How many people are in there and out and how's the ventilation. Crowded bathrooms, that have holes leading directly outside, like the ones at stadiums, and parks are the safest. In an indoor bathroom smokers will be flushed out.

4. In Front of a Police Station: Everybody has that friend who swears that smoking pot in front of a police station is somehow magically safe. The logic seems to be paradoxical enough to be a brilliant metaphor, but since we don't live in the world of Harry Potter, it won't work. There's a good chance that if park your car in front of a police station and have a toke, you will get caught.

3. Movie Theater: Only smoke in a movie theater if you are so bored with the movie, that you'd rather be arrested than finish watching it. There's no where for the smoke to go in the theater, someone will smell it.

2. Prison: If you've seen Oz or Shawshank Redemption then you know that it can be dangerous doing anything in prison. If you get caught you might get more time, and what if that's just enough time for you to get you shanked. Just Sayin.

1. Airport/Airplane:
Airport and Airplane security is intense, and for good reason. Being suspected of terrorism isn't worth a few hits. They'll catch you. You probably won't make even make it through the security. But, if you take a few hits before leaving your car, a little cologne and some gum might be enough to get you flying high.

Read more: Lists#ixzz0zstWPbpG

Sunday, 12 September 2010

AS Batal haram kan ganja ,peluang niaga bagi aceh.. malaysia mcm mne??

"PIHAK berkuasa Amerika telah membatalkan pengharaman menjual dan mengguna Ganja untuk tujuan perubatan. Ganja boleh digunakan untuk melegakan masalah kesakitan, melegakan rasa mual dan seumpama dengannya." Demikian berita terbaru dilaporkan oleh, US Membenarkan Pengunaan Ganja Untuk Tujuan Perubatan seperti yang dihubungi melalui editornya sebentar tadi. Di negara kita Malaysia pula Ganja digunakan oleh mereka yang bekerja kuat dengan menggunakan tenaga seperti pergi ke laut, berladang.. sila rujuk blog tersebut.

Bagi blog Ibnu Hasyim, sila lihat Masa Depan Perusahaan Ganja di Aceh...Isu Aceh sebagai pengeluar dadahganja terbesar di Asia Tenggara setelah Thailand, pernah dibahas dalam sidang ke 49 Komisi Narkoba PBB (UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs) pada 13-17 Mac 2006 di Wina Austria, seolah-olah Aceh menjadi trade mark ‘ladang ganja berkualitas nomor wahid’. Menurut sejarahnya, ganja dibawa ke Aceh dari India pada akhir abad ke 19 ketika Belanda membuka perkebunan kopi di Dataran Tinggi Gayo. Pihak penjajah itu memakai ganja sebagai ubat alami untuk menghindari serangan hama pohon kopi atau ulat pada tanaman tembakau. Walau Belanda yang membawanya ke dataran tinggi Aceh, namun menurut fakta yang ada, tanaman tersebut bukan berarti sepenuhnya berasal dari negaranya.

Bolehjadi tanaman ini dipungut dari daratan Asia lainya. Di kalangan anak muda nusantara, ganja lebih familiar disebut ‘bakong ijo’, ‘gelek’, ‘cimeng’ atau ‘rasta’. Sementara sebutan ‘keren’ lainya ialah ‘tampee’, ‘pot’, ‘weed’, ‘dope’. Setalah bertahun dan tumbuh menyebar hampir di seluruh Aceh, ganja mulai dikonsumsi, terutama dijadikan ‘rokok enak,’ yang lambatlaun mentradisi di Aceh. Bahkan kalau ada masakan, dianggap belum sempurna kalau bumbunya tidak dicampur dengan biji ganja. Tradisi ini memang sulit dihilangkan atau diberantas lagi di sana.

Pernah juga puluhan tahun dulu di di Pulau Pinang, yang di sebut ‘nasi kandar’ itu, biasanya dimasukkan air pucuk ganja sebagai perencahnya. Nasinya sudah terasa sedap, belum lauk pauknya lagi. Pada mulanya daun dan biji ganja ini digunakan untuk bumbu atau perencah penyedap rasa.Masakan seperti kari kambing, rendang, mie Aceh dan sebagainya, juga dalam minmuan seperti kopi. Terdapat beberapa warung kopi terkenal di Banda Aceh yang sentiasa penuh pengunjungnya. mereka sentiasa minum kopi sahaja. Ya, memang sedap. Kopi Aceh sudah terkenal enaknya tetapi akan lebih nikmat kalau dicampur dengan sedikit ganja... tidak pasti apakah di warung-warung itu, begitu.

Bahkan ada yang mencampurnya kedalam makanan seperti dodol dan sebagainya… dan dalam rokok juga. Hampir tak ada orang Aceh yang tak pernah mencicipinya, ada yang menikmatinya via rokok ternikmat, bumbu dapur, dodol, campuran kopi, hingga diolah ke berbagai jenis makanan lainya, selebihnya dijual ke luar Aceh. Apalagi jika ada kenduri, wah, ini yang lebih dahsyat lagi! Di Aceh, ganja juga digunakan sebagai tanaman pengusir hama di ladang atau kebun. Tanaman ini, dari akar, batang, daun hingga ranting merupakan bahan istimewa untuk pembuatan kertas dan kain. Selain itu bijinya digunakan sebagai bahan bakar minyak. Lebih dari itu, biji ganja bergizi, dengan protein berkualitas tinggi, lebih tinggi dari kedelai atau kacang.

Serat tanaman ganja jenis hemp pernah dipakai untuk tali pengikat kapal perang Tentara Laut Amerika Syarikat dalam Perang Dunia II. Sebuah data dari dunia maya menyatakan, serat ganja setelah diberi sentuhan teknologi, keunggulannya melebihi baja dan halus seratnya mampu mengalahkan serat kapas? Seiring perkembangan dunia industri, negara-negara maju, seperti Tasmania, salah satu negara yang tergolong paling besar memanfaatkan potensi ganja. Negara itu memanfaatkan ganja dengan menurunkan kadar THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) untuk memproduk bahan tekstil, kertas, bahan pembuat makanan, tapak rem dan kopling hingga untuk tali.

Sementara di England terdapat pusat pengelolaan marijuana atau ganja. Lembaga itu meneliti tanaman ini secara medis dan farmasi. Hasilnya, tanaman yang daunnya berbentuk jari ini tetap diandalkan dan menjadi ubat ampuh. Seperti pasien lumpuh dapat disembuhkan dengan terapi mariyuana dan dapat berjalan kembali layaknya orang normal, dan mempunyai daya ingat yang tinggi. Di Kanada pula, pihak pemerintah melegalkan ganja untuk farmasi. Dilaporkan telah banyak pasien yang terbantu, seperti mengurangi rasa mual pada penderita AIDS dan penyakit lainnya.

Pemerintah Kanada mengizinkan pembelian ganja dengan resip doktor di apotek-apotek lokal. Satu ons dijual sekitar 113 US dollar dan ganja dikirim melalui kurir ke pasien atau dokter mereka. Menurut para medis, komposisi kimia yang terkandung dalam ganja adalah Cannibanol, Cannabidinol atau THC yang terdiri dari Delta -9- THC dan Delta -8- THC. Delta -9- THC sendiri dapat mempengaruhi pola fikir otak manusia melalui penglihatan, pendengaran, dan suasana hati pemakainya. Sementara Delta -9- THC diyakini para ilmuwan medik mampu mengubati berbagai penyakit. Daun dan biji ganja membantu penyembuhan penyakit tumor dan kanker. Akar dan batangnya bisa dibuat jamu yang mampu menyembuhkan penyakit kejang perut (kram), disentri, anthrax, asma, keracunan darah, batuk, diare, luka bakar, bronchitis.

Kalau begitu mengapa perusahaan ganja dilarang pemerintah? Undang-undang No. 22 1997 di Indonesia, tentang narkotika mengklasifikasikan ganja; biji, buah, jerami, hasil olahan atau bahagian tanaman ganja termasuk damar ganja dan hasil sebagai narkotika golongan I yang berarti satu kelas dengan opium dan kokain. Pasal 82 ayat 1 butir a UU tersebut menyatakan bahawa mengimpor, mengekspor, menawarkan untuk dijual, menyalurkan, menjual, membeli, menyerahkan, menerima, menjadi perantara dalam jual beli, atau menukar narkotika golongan I, dipidana dengan pidana mati atau pidana penjara seumur hidup, atau pidana penjara paling lama dua puluh tahun dan denda paling paling banyak satu milyar rupiah.

Di luar Indonesia, ganja dibahagiakn dua jenis, iaitu ganja untuk kepentingan industri atau medis iaitu ganja jenis Hemp, dan ganja terlarang sering disebut Cannabis. Yang terlarang adalah kerana zat THC di dalamnya boleh mengakibatkan pengguna jadi mabuk jika disalahgunakan mengikut kadarnya. Dengan program Alternatif Development (AD) yang dicanangkan pemerintah melalui Badan Narkotika Nasional (BNN), semoga 15 tahun mendatang, Aceh bebas dari efek negatif ganja dan dapat memanfaatkan potensi eksport ganja demi kepentingan industri tanpa disalahgunakan.

Dikatakan, kalau polis betul-betul bertindak dalam sebulan shaaja dapat menemukan hingga ratusan hektar ganja di seluruh wilayah Aceh. Dari sekian banyak wilayah yang tanam ganja, Bireuen adalah ladang ganja terluas setelah Aceh Besar, iaitu, kira-kira 44 tempat yang tersebar di enam kawasan dalam lima Kecamatan. Satu kali operasi saja, polis bisa menemukan 20 sampai 90 hektar ladang. Kiralah jika satu hektar menghasilkan 100 kilogram ganja? Dikatakan juga, hasil ganja Aceh hampir mengimbangi sepertiga dana Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Aceh. Bagaiman kalau dieksport secara sah mengikut undang-undang?
Itulah antara peluang perniagaan di Aceh, atau negara-negara jirannya.
Alamat Blog Ibnu Hasyim- e-mail:

Saturday, 11 September 2010

Timing Of Lights - Growing Weed For Beginners

Throughout your grow you are going to need a basic mechanical plug socket timer to force your plants into the different stages of growth. It is best to start with 18 hours of light and 6 hours darkness through the vegetative stage of your grow.

Depending how long you leave your plants in the vegetative stage which is entirely upto you (the longer the bigger the yield) your going to need to move onto the flowering stage which requires the red spectrum light i mentioned in an earlier post and 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness.

Lighting - Growing Weed For Beginners

The main piece of equipment you need when growing weed if your growing indoors in some lights. What i found most cost effective were envirolites, they are fair priced and do not use alot of electricity like other lights do such as HPS and MH.

Your going to need to two lights throughout your grow, 125w blue spectrum envirolite for the vegetative stage and a 200w red spectrum envirolite for the flowering stage.

Potting Your Seedlings - Growing Weed For Beginners

Now you have your seeds that are showing their tap roots your going to need to pot them. First off you need to get yourself a decent soil mix, what i have found best to use is J Arthur Bowers multi purpose compost with perlite using a 70% soil and 30% perlite ratio.

Now you have your soil mix ready it's time to plant those seedlings. What you need to do is take a pencil and make little hole in the middle of your soil about 1cm deep and place the seed in with the taproot pointing downwards into the soil.

Now your seeds are potted and placed under your lights they should start sprouting after 24-48 hours if you placed the seeds 1cm deep like i mentioned earlier in this post.

Germination Of Seeds - Growing Weed For Beginners

The first step in growing weed for beginners is to germinate your seeds. The best method of germinating seeds i have found is to wet some tissue paper (not soaking it) place the seeds onto the wet tissue paper and fold it over so that the seeds are surrounded in tissue paper, dampen the tissue paper a little if need be and then place into a plastic bag and seal so that no moisture can escape.

Within about 2-3 day's the seeds should all be showing a little white sprout that the bottom of the seed called the tap root, once the tap root is showing you are now ready to plant your seeds in to pots

Sexing Cannabis - Growing Weed For Beginners

Above is a picture of 2 plants, the left is male as stated in the picture and the right is the female. Notice the ball shaped sacks on the male plant, these are called pollen sacks. If these pollen sacks were to open up around your female plants the females would be pollenated and you would end up with some very seedy bud. If you do not want seeds in your bud it is advised that you remove of and kill the male plants as soon as sex starts showing which is usually after about 2 weeks into the flowering stage.

Growing Weed For Beginners

California Orange Bud Seeds Special - Growing Weed

Another Quality Strain ideal for growing indoors and for beginners.

California Orange Bud is a variety with a wonderful sweet orange aroma and an extra sweet taste. With good care it will produce a heavy crop of very good quality. California Orange Bud is one of the easier varieties to clone and cultivate under a variety of conditions. Buds are covered in bright orange and deep pink hairs. Orange Bud is a wonderful selection for the experienced and less experienced grower as well.

º Packet contain 10 seeds

º Plant height: Medium Plant
º Stoned or high?: High SATIVA
º THC level: Medium THC
º Flowering Weeks: 9/10
º Yield : 500
º Harvest Month: 9/10

Growing Weed For Beginners Has A New Look

Ok so i thought it was time for a change around here, things were getting a little bit dull. So here it is the new look of the Growing Weed For Beginners Blog. Another thing i wanted to mention, is there anything that you guys would like to see here at the blog? Would you like to do a guest post? If you would then please let me know by commenting this post and we can sort something out.

Also i would like your view on the new template so could you please leave a comment and let know what you think. Thanks

An excellent choice for the beginner grower, grows well in doors. You can purchase theBubbelicous Seeds Here.

Bubbelicious (Bubble Gum), also known as Bubble Gum is a medium tall, usually not too branchy (sometimes stretchy) plant, producing compact, crystal covered buds. Originally the Bubble Gum was developed by growers in Indiana, USA. From there the genetics moved to New England and eventually Holland. lt took many generations to finally produce this stable Bubble Gum, with the characteristic, sweet smell (truly resembling a typical bubble gum taste) and euphoric high; the original trademarks of this famous strain. The only inbred strain (no F1 hybrid) in the Serious menu. Winner of two awards in the High Times Cannabis Cup of 1994, a 2nd place in 1995 and again a 2nd prize in 1999, giving Bubble Gum a total of 4 awards from the judges.

Harvesting - Growing Weed

Once your grow is complete you are going to want to harvest your crop right? Hell yeah you are. Start by cutting the stem at the bottom and then cut of the branches that have the buds on. Now what you are going to need to do is trim around buds to remove the leaf growth that has happened during the grow. Be carefull doing this as you do not want to cut bits of the bud off.

Once you have trimmed the leaves off your buds you are then going to need to store the buds, preferably hanging them on a bit of string at room tempreature for the buds to dry out and cure.

Well that sort of sums it up, have phun smoking.

Growing Weed For Beginners Video

This video is really helpful and explains how to grow weed in a cupboard from germination right through to harvesting and even making hash.

Nutirients - Growing Weed For Beginners

Once your plant's are under going 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness (flowering stage) your going to need to start adding nutrients to your water in order to feed your plant's as the soil they have been in will have no remaining nutrients left as the plants will have used them up.

The nutrients i would advise if this is your first grow is BioBizz - Bloom + BioBizz - Grow. You should choose these nutrients as they are a little more forgiving than other nutrients out there such as canna. Your going to buy the grow and bloom variations of the biobizz nutrients because they seem to lack Nitrogen but by using both grow and bloom we defeat that object.

To start with give your plants 2ml of grow and 2ml of bloom per 1 liter of water and from then on watering your plants with the added nutrients every 2-3 days. as your plants grow and start relying on the nutrients your going to want to up the amount of nutrietns added to each liter water by 1 maybe 2ml accordingly.

Medical Marijuana Experiences Boom in Oregon

From the Portland, Oregon local news:
Five years after Oregon passed its groundbreaking medical marijuana law, it seems to be experiencing a boom.

A recent round of favorable federal court rulings appears to have prompted more ailing Oregonians to seek state-issued cards allowing them to smoke, grow and possess marijuana and at the same time emboldened more doctors to endorse the practice.

Oregon's law, passed by voters in 1998 and enacted in 1999, allows people with a specified illness to use and grow small amounts of marijuana without fear of prosecution as long as a doctor says it might help their condition.

Nine states have passed laws permitting people to use marijuana for medical purposes. The state laws conflict with federal statutes, which classify marijuana as an il! legal drug with no legitimate medical purpose. A slew of court cases have pitted federal authorities against medical marijuana advocates, and in recent rulings, federal judges are siding with the states.
It's nice to see the states winning the war against the federal government.

Cannabis Varieties - Sativa, Indica, and Ruderalis

There are three main types of cannabis that are grown for THC content:
Cannabis Sativa:
These plants are characterized by long thin flowers and spiky leaves. They originate from equatorial regions where the growing season is hotter. They are not generally used for outdoor cultivation in colder climates, although some hybrids can produce good yields in such conditions. Cannabis sativas have more of a high than Cannabis indica buds.

Cannabis Indica:
These plants originated in the Hindu-kush areas of Central Asia, where the weather is changeable and growing conditions can be harsh. Hardy plants, they mature early and are characterized by broad, short leaves and heavy, tight flowers. Cannabis indicavarieties are ideal for indoor and outdoor cultivation in cooler climates.

Cannabis Ruderalis: Cannabis ruderalis is a variety of cannabis that grows wild in parts of Eastern Europe and Russia. It is characterized by its early flowering, with some plants starting irrespective of the photo-period. Cannabis ruderalis is ideal for cultivation in cooler climates and areas where conditions are harsh. There are Dutch hybrid varieties available that combine Cannabis ruderalis and Cannabis indica.

-quoted from Cannabis Cultivation - A Complete Grower's Guide by Mel Thomas
So what's the better high? It all depends on what you're looking for. Cannabis indica is a body high, while cannabis sativa is a mind high. Cannabis ruderalis is less potent than both indica and sativa; its main purpose is for cross breeding plants that can stand harsh conditions. What's your favorite variety?

Growing marijuana indoors - what you will need

If you decide to go with an indoor marijuana grow, there are a number of things you will need. Some of these may be costly but are well worthwhile in the long-term. Think of it this way - in six months you spend $ buying sub-standard cannabis or even shit bar. If you take the cost of that, invest in what you need and start a grow you will have an ongoing supply of top quality, usable cannabis, which won't turn your lungs to carbon in a year. The growing process does take time, especially on your first grow, but if you are really desperate and can't wait, you can either nip out an occasional leaf and dry it or you can go for that very potent legal bud I suggested to you before.

The basic requirements for an indoor grow are:

A suitable growing space (this can be a closet or cupboard, a ready made grow-tent or even a metal box)
High-pressure sodium and/or metal halide lights (this is the most expensive item so making the right choice is important. Quality can vary)
Extractor fan for ventilation
Carbon filter to eliminate odor
Light reflecting lining for the walls (again, there are many choices, some more expensive than others)
Compost or growth medium such as rockwool
10lt pots
Timer unit for lights
Exhaust system for extractor to ensure odor elimination
Specialist feeds for vegetation and flowering stages
And finally, and most importantly, good quality Cannabis Seeds.

Stealth is, unfortunately, also an issue in most of the western world. Marijuana really stinks, especially in the flowering stage and you need to take measures to ensure that the odor doesn't travel beyond your grow room. You also need to take account of visibility, especially in an urban setting, as light leakage could be a real giveaway, especially at night. Metal halide and high pressure sodium lights emit a quite distinctive light, soft, tinged with color which has a very incandescent effect.

Your first task is to go and consider your grow space now. Choose where in your home you wish to set-up your grow and begin to make preparations there. If you choose well your self-made grow room should give you years of service and plenty of very successful crops.

Thursday, 9 September 2010

Open letter to Prime Minister of Malaysia, Najib Tun Razak.

Dear Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak,
It is with the greatest respect to you and your country and it’s legal system that we write to you today in the hope that your government will join the vast majority of UN member nations and urgently reconsider your current use of the death penalty, in particular for drug trafficking.

As you may know there are coordinated peaceful protests planned on Thursday March 4th at Malaysian Embassies in cities worldwide, including Britain (London), Denmark (Copenhagen), France, USA (New York & LA) and Nepal (Kathmandu). There will also be protests at the UN Commission on Narcotics Drugs in Vienna on 8th-12 March.

These protests represent continued and growing international concern at Malaysia’s current policy, a concern which will grow with every death sentence, tarnishing Malaysia’s reputation as a modern and progressive nation with a fair system of justice which takes basic human rights as it’s foundation.

We therefore respectively ask you to consider the overwhelming evidence that the use of the death penalty does not prevent serious crime, and carries a major risk of innocent people being executed for crimes they did not commit, even in the fairest of legal systems.

Malaysia makes the death penalty mandatory for drug trafficking, giving judges no grounds for discretion. We ask, how can that ever be fair?

For these and other reasons Cambodia recently abolished the death penalty, the Philippines have declared a moratorium, and in Thailand the death penalty for drugs has not been used since 2004.

We represent concerned citizens of nations from all over the world, but in Malaysia itself polls have shown up to 64% of your own citizens have said they were against the death penalty, and the respected Malaysian Bar Council of Lawyers with 12,500 members has repeatedly called for an immediate end to all executions.

Yet currently over 300 people are on death row in Malaysia, mainly young men under the age of 25, many of them for relatively minor cannabis dealing charges.
As recently as December 2009 in Malaysia four young men were sentenced to death for trafficking relatively small amounts of herbal cannabis, a crime which in many nations would not even warrant a prison sentence. We ask you to stop their executions and consider the fact that in almost every case the traffickers you catch and execute are in fact victims, many of them very young,  deserving of help from your government, not execution.

Amnesty International has said the death penalty is “the ultimate denial of human rights”. We respectfully ask you to consider that the use of the death penalty violates the right to life as proclaimed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, making your government technically guilty of Crimes Against Humanity (maximum penalty life imprisonment).

We therefore ask you to spare the lives of the young people currently on death row in your country for drug crimes with an immediate moritorium on executions.

We respectfully ask you to consider the strong evidence from all over the world that the well intended prohibitionist drug policies you currently follow are in fact more dangerous to your citizens than the very drugs you hope to protect them from.

We believe you would agree that it is the duty of every government to protect it’s citizens from harm. However until you change provably dangerous policies and laws concerning drugs, which in fact encourage drug use and harm the very fabric of society, you will be failing in your duty.

We plead to you in the name of humanity to please act now to save the lives of those already condemned, and let Malaysia join the global majority whose societies have only benefited by ending the counter productive use of the death penalty.
Thank you.