Saturday, 11 September 2010

Cannabis Varieties - Sativa, Indica, and Ruderalis

There are three main types of cannabis that are grown for THC content:
Cannabis Sativa:
These plants are characterized by long thin flowers and spiky leaves. They originate from equatorial regions where the growing season is hotter. They are not generally used for outdoor cultivation in colder climates, although some hybrids can produce good yields in such conditions. Cannabis sativas have more of a high than Cannabis indica buds.

Cannabis Indica:
These plants originated in the Hindu-kush areas of Central Asia, where the weather is changeable and growing conditions can be harsh. Hardy plants, they mature early and are characterized by broad, short leaves and heavy, tight flowers. Cannabis indicavarieties are ideal for indoor and outdoor cultivation in cooler climates.

Cannabis Ruderalis: Cannabis ruderalis is a variety of cannabis that grows wild in parts of Eastern Europe and Russia. It is characterized by its early flowering, with some plants starting irrespective of the photo-period. Cannabis ruderalis is ideal for cultivation in cooler climates and areas where conditions are harsh. There are Dutch hybrid varieties available that combine Cannabis ruderalis and Cannabis indica.

-quoted from Cannabis Cultivation - A Complete Grower's Guide by Mel Thomas
So what's the better high? It all depends on what you're looking for. Cannabis indica is a body high, while cannabis sativa is a mind high. Cannabis ruderalis is less potent than both indica and sativa; its main purpose is for cross breeding plants that can stand harsh conditions. What's your favorite variety?

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