
Robbie Williams: “Weed is Lovely”

Robbie Williams has spoken about his love for Weed in an interview with Radio Times magazine. He said; “Weed, it’s such a lovely drug.” The only problem apparently was that he got the raving munchies and ended up fat.

He said: “Did you see me last year? Have a look at last year. Yep. Year of the Munchie 2009. But it’s just a shame about weed, because I did love it.”

Debra Bell, who wrote a book about how she devastated her son’s life just because he liked Mary Jane reacted by having another rage attack in the Daily Mirror after hearing that Robbie loves the same herb as her son.

Robbie also claimed the cup to tea he was drinking could give him psychosis; “It doesn’t take much to trigger – I mean, I’ll get psychosis from having this cup of tea! Seriously. The caffeine in that’s enough.”

This just goes to show that super stars do not know everything after all.

Fact: For all except possibly a tiny minority Cannabis (and Tea) is saver than taking Paracetamol or going to Hospital.

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